School Day Concert for 3rd graders, Storied Songs
Orchestrapaedia – Roxanna Panufnik, Peter and the Wolf – Serge Prokofiev
This is a free concert. To reserve space for your third-grade students, please call 419-289-5115, or email [email protected]
Young People’s Concert, Storied Songs
Orchestrapaedia – Roxanna Panufnik, Peter and the Wolf – Serge Prokofiev
2:00-2:45 p.m. preconcert activities and Instrument Petting Zoo, Archer Lobby
This is a free concert for all ages. No tickets are required.
Power without Words Featuring Kenneth Holzworth, trumpet and members of the ASO Fan Club
Kumbaya – Arranged by Tim Berens, Four Hymns without Words – Adolphus Hailstork, Symphony No.5, op.67, C minor – Ludwig van Beethoven
Back to Brahms
Featuring the music of Johannes Brahms
Akademische Festouvertüre, op.80 (Academic Festival Overture), Tragische Ouvertüre, op.81 (Tragic Overture), Symphony No.4, op.98, E minor
6:50 p.m. Preconcert talk, Archer Auditorium
Celebrate our nation's independence with the Ashland Symphony Orchestra in the beautiful outdoor setting of the Myers Memorial Band Shell. Rain site is Archer Auditorium. Call 419-281-3018, ext. 3 for weather updates.
Programming to come... stay tuned!